If you have any questions or problems, we will be happy to help. In the selection below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about the MVV-App, including the corresponding answers.
The MVV-App is available for Android and Apple iOS.
For Android devices, we recommend Android versions with Google Services installed. Unfortunately, Custom ROMs in combination with Google Services may cause problems when using our app.
Please note that (much) older operating system versions may not or no longer be fully supported. As far as possible, we keep older versions of our MVV-App available in the app stores in order to reach as many devices as possible. However, these app versions do not (or no longer) offer the full range of functions.
We ask for your understanding that we cannot (or can no longer) support less common operating systems such as Windows Phones due to cost-benefit considerations and the fast dynamics of the market. For non-compatible devices, we recommend our mobile web-based information portal at www.mvv-auskunft.mobi (further information on our mobile trip planner).
You can find the MVV-App in the Google Play Store, in the Apple App Store and for Android and Amazon Fire devices also in the Amazon Appstore. We also offer our app in the Huawei AppGallery.
We ask for your understanding that we cannot offer the MVV-App for download beyond the mentioned stores.
The MVV-App offers a number of convenient functions which, depending on the operating system, require certain permissions during installation or on first use. For example, by giving access to your location, you can calculate connections from your current position or search for stops in your surroundings. With permission to access contacts, tickets for other people travelling with you can be purchased with less effort (you select a contact from your address book, the contact details are then automatically copied into the corresponding form fields, saving you typing).
Some operating systems group certain authorisations into categories; for example, Android refers to access to ‘Photos, media and files’ in order to be able to cache the map segments used in our app on your smartphone or use memory cards. However, your personal data is not transmitted or analysed in this process. User statistics are only created anonymously if you explicitly agree to the collection of user statistics in the ‘Settings’.
For data protection issues, please refer to the privacy policy for the MVV-App, which we link to here, in the app stores and in the app.
The MVV-App offers you two main functions: Detailed timetable information and the option to purchase MVV mobile tickets. In addition, a range of supplementary services and functionalities are included to provide you with the best possible mobility information in the MVV network area.
You can find a description of the individual functions here. If you have any questions, MVV customer service would be happy to help you.
We publish all disruption notifications provided to us by the responsible transport companies immediately for display in the MVV-App. The text messages are displayed in the departure monitor, in the journey planner and summarised in the message overview. In the future, we will also offer you a service to be automatically informed about timetable deviations (so-called push notifications).
We ask for your understanding that we have no influence on the amount and content of the disruption reports provided to us.
As MVV, we are responsible for network-wide passenger information for decades. In addition to printed media such as network maps and mini timetables, we also offer information to our passengers via digital channels. These include our MVV journey planer on the Internet and the MVV-App for Android and iOS.
This means that you benefit not only from timetable information from one single organisation and an enormous amount of experience, but above all from the continuous further development and new functions that are closely oriented to actual needs thanks to your customer feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Our app is characterised by an intuitive, simple interface, comprehensive timetable information (including FLEX, MVV-RufTaxi, car sharing and bike sharing, but also with a wide range of individual customisation options such as wheelchair accessible travel connections), useful additional information (e.g. messages and network maps) and high compatibility with various smartphones and tablets (including older generations). The MVV-App is of course free of charge and without advertising.
Through agreements with other transport associations and participation in research projects, we ensure standards and are able to constantly include new features for passenger information.
The MVV-App is currently available in German and English. In accordance with the recommendations of the operating system providers, the language used within the app depends on the language settings of your smartphone by default. As soon as a system language other than German is selected, the MVV-App uses the English language.
Depending on the app version, you have the option of overriding the system language for the MVV-App in the app settings and selecting a fixed language for the MVV-App.
In the MVV-App, so-called favourites can be set for start and destination locations, connections and lines to access frequently required items more quickly. The process always leads via the history list or route list. Depending on the app version, please click on the star symbol or the 3-dot symbol behind the entry to mark a location, a line or a connection as a favourite so that you can always keep an eye on it.
Of course, favourites that are no longer required can be removed at any time (in the same way).
You don't want to buy tickets via our app or are more interested in booking our on-demand services?
Then you can customise the lower menu bar in the MVV-App according to your own preferences. Simply click on an icon in the bar for a few seconds. In the configuration dialogue that then opens, you can place and sort various functions of our app on the quick access bar. A maximum of five icons can be placed on the toolbar.
Click on the menu item ‘My settings’ (in some app versions: ‘Settings’). There you will find various options for customising the journey search to suit your needs. For example, you can search specifically for connections with short footpaths or connections with stair-free paths.
Your changed settings are saved automatically.
The MVV-App can of course also be used when the localisation function is switched off. In this case, only a few functions are not available. For example, you cannot calculate connections based on your current position or search for nearby stops.
You can display your current location on the interactive map (compass symbol) or use it as the start/destination in the journey planner (depending on the app version: select ‘Current location’ or click on the compass symbol in the start input field), provided the location function of your smartphone is activated.
Please note that successful and accurate positioning depends on your location and the positioning function of your smartphone. Precise localisation using GPS is only possible ‘in the open air’, but not underground.
The latest version of our MVV-App comes with a new function: It allows you to preset the start location with the current position for the connection search. This is particularly useful if you often use the app to check the best way to reach your destination from your current location. However, if you use the app primarily to plan a later public transport journey (from a different location) in advance, presetting the start location is not helpful for you. For this reason, you can now define in the settings of the MVV-App whether you want to enter the start and destination for searches for connections or whether the current location should always be given as the start.
The search for starting and destination points (addresses, stops and important points) takes many different parameters into account, even including possible typing errors, and is basically designed to display the most likely ‘hit’ as quickly as possible when just a few letters are entered. Abbreviations are also taken into account.
This usually works very well even when just a few letters are entered, but in rare individual cases it can still lead to stops or addresses having to be written out in the full text in order to obtain the desired start or destination point. A smart way to make things even easier could be to use the favourites function.
Displaying all possible routes would be neither clear nor useful. For this reason, the MVV-App always shows the fastest connection. If the fastest route involves several transfers, a more convenient connection with fewer transfers (but with a longer total journey time) is usually suggested as an alternative journey.
Numerous other parameters operate in the background. You can use the menu item ‘Settings’ to customise the journey planner with many options to suit your needs. Of course, the settings you have made are saved until the next change and do not have to be adjusted again for each search. As soon as you have made individual settings, you will be reminded of them in the journey overview.
As soon as punctuality information is available for a means of transport, this is shown by means of an additional time indication and colour-coded (green times = expected to be on time, red times = expected to be late, solid times = no real-time information). Please note that these are forecasts and not exact values.
In the event of delays, additional minutes are noted in the journey planner. An indication of 15:35 +2 therefore means that the means of transport is expected to arrive or depart with a two-minute delay at 15:37. Cancellations of individual journeys can also be communicated with live data.
The transport companies endeavour to provide correct live data for all journeys. However, it is not always possible to provide correct punctuality forecasts. For example, the amount of traffic has a major influence on bus journey times and can cause delays to increase or decrease at any time. In addition, the transmission of live data can suffer depending on the position of the vehicle (e.g. due to a radio blackout), meaning that live data is not always available at all times. At present, not all vehicles are technically equipped to transmit live data. Therefore, live times cannot (yet) be displayed for all journeys or means of transport.
Please note that older versions of the MVV app always display the planned timetable in the journey planner and do not take real-time information into account.
The MVV-App receives the timetable data via DEFAS, a Bavaria-wide timetable data hub. The transport companies, transport associations and municipal authorities supplying data to this system endeavour to provide correct live data for all routes. However, live times are always a snapshot that can only approximate reality. Exact punctuality and delay forecasts are not possible due to numerous uncertainty factors. For example, the amount of traffic (traffic jams) has a major influence on bus journey times and can cause delays to increase or decrease at any time. Or think of track parking on trams - the resulting delay time cannot be predicted. Technical difficulties can also arise, for example with data transmission or the use of replacement vehicles.
The live times displayed can therefore only be an orientation tool.
As far as the relevant information is available, we therefore always try to supplement timetable deviations with text information in order to better communicate the scope and effects of timetable changes.
On-demand services such as the MVV-RufTaxi or FLEX are services that only run on demand. To determine demand, you must book the service in advance, i.e. ‘register for a ride’. If a trip with the MVV-RufTaxi or the FLEX is suggested to you in the journey planner and you would like to use it, please click on the ‘Book a ride’/‘Book’ button. In the next step, simply enter the number of people travelling with you and any required space. After successful confirmation, the booking will be noted under the menu item ‘My bookings’.
A one-time registration is required to be able to book on-demand services. The easiest way to do this is to go to the ‘Profile and access data’ menu item in the app's main menu and then follow the registration link in the ‘On-demand services’ section. Please note that there are separate user accounts for on-demand services and ticket shop(s) in the app.
Further information on MVV-RufTaxi and FLEX.
The timetable of a RufTaxi shows all locations that can be served by the respective route. The departure times shown here serve as a rough orientation and are based on average journey times. As all RufTaxi-routes in the MVV are on-demand services, only stops that have been explicitly booked are served. The journey time is reduced when demand is low, for example, as stops are skipped and a shorter route can be used. If, on the other hand, many passengers board and alight at many different stops, the journey time can increase compared to the planned timetable time.
The behaviour of the FLEX is similar. The difference is that there is not even an orientation timetable. FLEX can therefore react even more flexibly and quickly to booking requests. On the one hand, comparatively short pre-booking periods can be realised, on the other hand, the actual departure and arrival times can change by a few minutes at relatively short notice due to additional passengers boarding.
You will be informed of these demand-related adjustments by e-mail before you start your journey. You can also always view the updated times in the MVV-App under ‘My bookings’.
Further information about MVV-RufTaxi and FLEX.
The account for booking on-demand services can be cancelled directly in the MVV-App with just a few clicks. Go to the menu item ‘Profile and access data’ and click on the link ‘Change login data’ under the section ‘On-demand services’. Another click will then take you to the ‘Delete account’ tab.
Due to specific questions, we have compiled a separate list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the MVV-HandyTicket. Simply scroll down a little on this page.
If you have any further questions, MVV's customer service will of course be happy to help you. Please remember to be as precise as possible when making written enquiries (including details of the operating system and your device).
You are very welcome to contact MVV's customer sevice team with any questions, problems or suggestions for improvement. We aim to continuously improve our MVV-App, eliminate any problems and implement useful functions. Your feedback is very important to us.
If you encounter any problems, please don't forget to include your operating system (with version number), the version of the MVV-App you have installed (you can find the version number at the bottom of the main menu) and as detailed a description of the error as possible (including a screenshot if possible). Thank you very much.
In most cases, it helps to close the app completely and reopen it. In some cases, uninstalling and then reinstalling the MVV-App can also help. If you notice any errors or crashes, please be sure to report the problem to the MVV customer service. Your feedback helps us to continuously improve the MVV-App and eliminate errors.
If you encounter any problems, please do not forget to include your operating system (with version number), the version of the MVV-App you have installed (you will find the version number at the bottom of the main menu) and a description of the error that is as precise as possible (including a screenshot if possible). Thank you very much.
We have also compiled a list of frequently asked questions on the subject of HandyTicket, together with the corresponding answers.
You need a smartphone with internet access as well as the free MVV-App. A one-time registration is required for full use of the MVV Ticketshop, which can be done in advance. You can purchase a ticket either by directly using the ticket shop or by selecting the ticket via MVV journey planner. When you enter your trip information, the app will recommend the best ticket for your requested trip. After confirmation of the payment details, the ticket can be used directly in the app. The purchase amount is debited.
The following tickets are currently available as MobileTickets: Day Tickets (incl. the CityTourCard, the München Card, the AirportPLUS-Tickets, the Bicycle Day Ticket and the Oberland-MVV-Ticket), Single tickets (incl. Short Trip Tickets) and the Anschlussticket (valid in combination with a season ticket). Registered customers can also purchase the Deutschland-Ticket, Stripe Ticket and season tickets (Weekly and Monthly Tickets).
The MVV App including the MVV-Ticketshop is available for free on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
The registration for the MobileTicket takes place directly in the app or on the MVV website, by entering your name, date of birth, address and e-mail address, as well as a password. The customer account can be used for both the MobileTicket and the OnlineTicket.
Yes. This is possible if you pay by credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal. However, you cannot purchase the Stripe Ticket and season tickets without a registration.
Yes, you can. You will have to enter the full name and the date of birth of that person when purchasing the ticket. In the event of a ticket inspection, the ticket owner has to present the ticket and an official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport).
Please note that purchased tickets cannot be transferred to other devices or the number of transfers is limited for security reasons. If it is not possible for you to travel with the person you have bought the ticket for, the ticket must be purchased on the other person's device. Showing a screenshot is not allowed.
When configuring the ticket click on the item "Me". Then you can enter other ticket owners by clicking on the “+”; for future trips you can directly select the saved details of a person from the list.
For group tickets, only one name has to be on the ticket. This ticket holder must always be part of the group and present the ticket in an inspection. The names of fellow travelers do not have to be on the ticket.
No, purchased tickets cannot be transferred to other devices as they are assigned to a specific device.
In exceptional cases, the transfer of a ticket to another device can be activated via the customer service. In this case, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
Day tickets and season tickets can be purchased up to 7 days before the first day of travel. Single Tickets and the Stripe Ticket cannot be bought in advance and their validity start date cannot therefore be changed. The Deutschland-Ticket can be purchased up to 30 days in advance.
According to the tariff regulations, all MobileTickets have to be purchased and completely downloaded before boarding the vehicle or before crossing the platform barriers at stations.
You can pay for the MobileTicket by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), via Apple Pay or Google Pay or via PayPal. Registered customers can also use the direct debit procedure (bank account within the European Union).
1. During the order process.
2. Within the app via the settings / info under the menu item Tickets. To open the settings / info and the menu item “Means of Payment”, please click on the avatar symbol on the top right.
3. On the online shop. Please visit the page www.mvv-muenchen.de/ticketshop, log in with your usual login data and select “Means of payment” on the left side.
This company is a German financial services provider that processes all payment transactions for Mobile- and OnlineTickets on behalf of the Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV).
To ensure that no one misuses the SEPA Direct Debit Payment with stolen or falsified data, you must identify yourself when registering your bank account details. This is done once via your online banking with the so-called "Bank-Ident" procedure, which is provided by Verimi. Please have your online banking access data to hand.
We hope you understand that we can only offer the SEPA Direct Debit Payment if you have successfully identified yourself. If you are unable to identify yourself, please use another payment method such as credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
If you need help with the verification process or have any questions, please contact our financial services provider LogPay directly:
LogPay Financial Services GmbH
Customer Care & Services
06196 8012 702
Direct debits for Mobiletickets are always triggered by our financial services provider on the next working day. If necessary, several orders are combined. Depending on the bank, the debit will then appear on your account with a time delay. Due to holidays and weekends, the transaction may not appear until several days later.
When you first enter your credit card information, your details need to be verified. The data is sent to the card issuer and the amount of 1 EUR is requested and authorized. This will usually expire within two weeks and the money will not be taken from your account.
All MobileTickets you purchase are listed in your customer account. Simply log in to your customer account to print out the invoice for any tickets you have purchased: ticketshop.mvv-muenchen.de/index.php/personal_data/orderList
Alternatively, you can request the invoice for a single order directly from the app. Please click on the corresponding button of a ticket that is currently open or click on the ticket in the overview "Tickets" or “History” for some seconds. Either you can open the receipt directly or you can send a link by Email.
If you bought a ticket without registration, you can only download a purchase receipt directly from the app.
MobileTickets cost exactly the same as regular tickets purchased at ticket machines, sales points, kiosks and on MVV regional buses. Reducing the fare of OnlineTickets and MobileTickets would decrease the overall fare income. This loss of fare income would have to be compensated by additionally raising the ticket prices for all MVV customers.
In the event of a ticket inspection, the MobileTicket within the app as well as your official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport) has to be presented. The inspector will scan and automatically check the barcode displayed in the app with an electronic device. If you fail to present your ticket or ID, you will be liable for a penalty fare.
MobileTickets are personalized tickets, meaning they also feature the customer’s name. In order to make sure that the passenger’s name is identical to the name stated on the ticket, you must carry an official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport) with you on your journey.
When purchasing the Stripe Ticket, you have to enter the number of stripes you would like to validate for an immediate journey (max. 8 stripes). A stripe ticket cannot be purchased in advance. You will automatically have to purchase 10 stripes and the remaining stripes are stored as credit in your account.
You can use your stripes by selecting “Credit” under Tickets/Credit/History, clicking on Stripe Ticket and setting the details for the next trip. Alternatively, you can also use your credit via the journey planner or choosing the stripe ticket under “Buy tickets”.
Yes, this is possible if the same account is used on the devices. However, once the stripes are validated, the valid ticket has to be presented on the device you bought the ticket with. You will not be able to validate stripes for other people on your device unless you travel with them.
When configuring the ticket click on the item "Me". Then you can enter other ticket owners by clicking on the “+”; for future trips you can directly select the saved details of a person from the list.
Please note that purchased tickets cannot be transferred to other devices. If it is not possible for you to travel with the person you have bought the ticket for, the ticket must be purchased on the other person's device. Showing a screenshot is not allowed.
If you don’t have enough credit for the selected number of stripes, the existing stripes will be combined with stripes from a new Stripe Ticket which you will be offered in this case. During confirmation, you can see if your credit is enough for the trip or if a new stripe ticket with 10 stripes has been charged.
Your remaining stripes will still be valid for an unlimited amount of time.
The subscription can be canceled at any time until the 10th of a month to the end of the month.
We recommend canceling your Deutschland Ticket subscription directly via the MVV app.
To do this, navigate to the "Ticketshop" tab in the top right-hand corner of the app and click on the profile (person symbol). Select the subscription to be canceled under "Subscriptions" and cancel it using the corresponding button.
Alternatively, the subscription ticket can also be canceled as follows:
When you purchased the Deutschland-Ticket, you received two e-mails. One e-mail confirms the purchase of the Deutschland-Ticket for the desired month. The second e-mail confirms the conclusion of the subscription. In this second e-mail you will find a link that you can use to cancel your subscription. You will find this link again in the notification about the issue of the respective ticket for the following month. If you can no longer find the e-mail with the link, you can also cancel your subscription by sending an informal e-mail to kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de. Please state your subscription number or the order number of the subscription.
If your Deutschland-Ticket is not displayed in the MVV app, please proceed as follows:
1. open the Ticketshop menu item
2. click on the profile symbol in the top right corner
3. log out and then log back in
Also make sure that you have the latest version of the MVV app.
Note: Only currently valid tickets are displayed in the "My Tickets" area in the MVV app on Android devices.You can only find the ticket for the next month in the "Ticketshop" menu item until the validity starts. From the time it is made available, the ticket for the following month will always be displayed there (from around the middle of the previous month). When the validity begins, the ticket is also automatically available in the "My Tickets" area.
Yes, the Deutschland-Ticket is our most flexible and attractive offer. It offers you nationwide mobility on local and regional transport. Compared to the cheapest classic MVV monthly ticket (Zone M) with a validity of one year, you pay only €1 more per month with the Deutschland-Ticket. In return, you enjoy unlimited mobility in the entire MVV area and throughout Germany.
The Deutschland-Ticket is only offered as a monthly subscription. In order to take out the subscription, you need an account in the MVV-Ticketshop. This allows you to select the relevant ticket in the app and complete the subscription. The Deutschland-Ticket is provided as a monthly ticket. The first ticket is available immediately after purchase in the MVV-Ticketshop. The subscription contract is valid for an indefinite period.
Yes, purchasing the Ticket via the MVV Ticketshop is possible at any time, even during the current month (until shortly before the end of the month). The ticket is available in the app immediately after purchasing it in the MVV-Ticketshop. Please note that this is a subscription model that must be cancelled no later than the 10th of the month for the cancellation to take effect at the end of the month.
The subscription can be started immediately for the current month or for the following month.
You can purchase the Deutschland-Ticket for just one month either in the previous month or up to the 10th of the current month. Please note that you must cancel the subscription in good time if you only want to use the Deutschland-Ticket for one month.
This subscription can only be canceled until the 10th of the current month. If you buy the ticket for the current month after the 10th of a month, you will automatically receive the ticket for the next month in addition.
The amounts for the following months are due with the monthly provision of the corresponding ticket in the app (middle/end of the previous month).
After the first purchase of the Deutschland-Ticket, each additional ticket is automatically made available in the app in good time before the beginning of the next month. You will receive an email confirmation with each monthly deployment.
You can use the direct debit procedure (Lastschriftverfahren) or your credit card to purchase the Deutschland-Ticket. The monthly debit is always made from the payment method used for the first purchase.
The amount for the first monthly ticket is due immediately after conclusion of the subscription contract. The amounts for the subsequent months are due in each case with the monthly provision of the corresponding ticket within the app (middle/end of the previous month, monthly payment method). The monthly debit is always made from the payment method used for the first purchase.
It is not possible to change the payment method for a current subscription. You must cancel the current subscription at the earliest possible date and then take out a new subscription with the new payment details.
If you wish to cancel your ticket, you can do so via the MVV app. To do this, navigate to the profile (person symbol) under the "Ticketshop" tab at the top right. Select the subscription to be canceled under "Subscriptions" and cancel it by clicking the corresponding button.
Alternatively, the subscription ticket can also be canceled via the personalized cancellation link (see e-mail "Confirmation of the conclusion of a Deutschland-Ticket subscription incl. cancellation link"). If you can no longer find the e-mail with the link, you can also cancel the subscription by sending an informal e-mail to kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de. Please state your customer number or the order number of the subscription.
Please note that the subscription must be canceled by the 10th of the month at the latest for the cancellation to take effect at the end of the month. Otherwise, termination is only possible at the end of the following month.
Note for payment by credit card: If you use an expired credit card for the current subscription, the subscription will be automatically canceled at the end of the month after two unsuccessful debit attempts. You will receive a corresponding confirmation of termination by e-mail at the end of the month. Please then order a new subscription with your new credit card starting the following month.
Please check these FAQs to see if the issue is answered here. If you cannot find a solution, please contact us at kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
We ask you to explain your request as precisely as possible and provide all necessary information and, if possible, attach screenshots.
The Deutschland-Ticket can only be used in the MVV app. Transfer to apps from other providers (e.g. MVG, DB) is not possible.
Further general information about the Deutschland-Ticket can be found here.
You can buy the Weekly and Monthly tickets, the Monthly Ticket 9 am, and the Monthly Ticket 65 as MobileTicket.
You have the flexibility to choose the starting day of your Weekly and Monthly Ticket to meet your needs:
The Weekly Pass is valid for seven consecutive days. In addition, it is valid beyond the last day of validity until 12 noon of the following day. Example: if you purchase your Weekly Pass on a Wednesday, your Pass will be valid until 12 noon on Wednesday of the following week.
The Monthly Pass is valid for one month and beyond the last day of validity until 12 noon of the following day. Example: if you purchase your Monthly Pass on the 11th of a month, your Pass will be valid until 12 noon on the 11th of the following month.
Season Tickets can be purchased up to 7 days before the first day of travel. During the purchase progress, the first day of validity and the area of validity must be selected (when purchasing via the journey planner, the area of validity is automatically selected).
Weekly and Monthly Tickets are personalized and can only be used by the ticket holder. It is therefore essential that a ticket holder is specified. Weekly and Monthly Tickets can be transferred to another device up to two times.
With the IsarCard (Weekly or Montlhy) and the IsarCard9Uhr children aged between 6 and 14 may travel on the same ticket Mondays to Fridays after 9 am and at any other time on non-working days. You may bring along as many of your own children and grandchildren as you wish to travel with you (ID required); otherwise, there is a maximum limit of three children. The name of the children travelling with you does not have to be on the ticket. With the IsarCard65 it is not possible to take along children or grandchildren.
Please click on the corresponding ticket and select "Transfer". Please note, however, that the number of transfers between different devices is limited to two for security reasons.
You can only open the ticket on one device at a time. The number of transfers between different devices is limited to two for security reasons. If an error message appears during transfer, you have reached the transfer limit. In some exceptional cases, a one-time transfer is possible via the customer service. In such cases, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
MobileTickets are generally excluded from exchange, return and cancellation. This also applies to season tickets. A refund or partial refund of IsarCards is not possible.
No, this is not possible. IsarCards are only sold as MobileTickets in the MVV app.
No, this is not possible. IsarCardAbos will continue to be issued only as paper tickets or chip cards. A transfer to a smartphone is not possible.
Please check via the app store whether you are already using the latest update of the MVV app.
If the error persists, please proceed as follows:
1. open the Ticketshop menu item.
2. click on the person symbol at the top right
3. log out and then log in again.
If the problem persists, please uninstall the app completely and reinstall it.
It seems that the ticket list was not fully loaded here. Please go to Buy Ticket and refresh the list by swiping down and holding briefly. If it still does not work, please uninstall the app once and install it again.
The latest update of the MVV app is required for troubleshooting. If the problem still occurs with the latest version of the MVV app, please follow the steps below (there are different solutions depending on the operating system). If you have any questions, please contact the customer dialog directly at kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
iOS (Apple): Please uninstall the existing app completely (remove app or delete app) and then download the latest update from the app store again.
Android: Open the settings of your device (not in the MVV app) and select the Apps item. Then look for the MVV app and select the "Memory" item in it. Here you can select the function "Delete data", then the login should be possible again.
There are several apps and web stores in the MVV area where HandyTickets can be purchased. The access data is only valid for the shop you have registered with. Previously, you could access two ticket stores via the MVV app, namely the MVV ticket store and the S-Bahn ticket store.
If you can no longer log in to the MVV app, you are probably registered in the S-Bahn ticket store. From now on, the S-Bahn ticket store will only be available to you in the "München Navigator" app. Please download this app from the App Store/Play Store and log in there with the access data of your existing customer account. Tickets that have already been purchased and are valid, as well as season ticket credit, can be used there as usual.
Sometimes there are problems after an update or new installation of the app. Please reinstall the app. After that, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de to enable a one-time transfer.
You can only use the ticket on the device you purchased the ticket with or the number of transfers is limited for security reasons. In some exceptional cases, a one-time transfer is possible via the customer service. In such cases, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
You need to enter your credit card secure code. This is given on a form by your credit card provider. Unfortunately, depending on the version of the system, there can be occasional problems with this form in the app. However, you can also enter the payment method via the online shop. Please visit the page www.mvv-muenchen.de/ticketshop, log in with your usual login data and select “Means of payment” on the left side. The changes are also applied in the app.
If you are not sure about your credit card's secure code or if you have any other problems with this, please contact your credit card institute.
You can change your personal information directly in the app via the settings under the menu item “Tickets”. To open the settings / info and the menu item “Personal Data”, please click on the avatar symbol on the top right.
Please click on the year at the top left. Here you can easily select the year of birth, so that you only have to search for the correct month in that year.
Yes, that is possible. You can log in to any device with your access data in the MVV ticket shop. However, please note that you can only use a ticket on the device you purchased the ticket with or the number of transfers is limited.
If you wish to delete your customer account, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
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