Fahrplanauskunft für Sehbehinderte

Customer card

Your ticket at the apprenticeship rate: customer card plus token

The foundation of the apprenticeship fare is the personal customer card. This will be - together with a current token for one calendar week or one calendar month - your valid ticket in the apprenticeship fare.

Compile the following documents for your customer card application:

  • Completed order form
  • Passport photo with 35 x 45 mm (only for children from 6 years up to and including 15 years)
  • Confirmation of the educational institution or, in the case of pupils up to 14 years of age, confirmation of the parents on the order form. 
  • Alternatively: documents relating to training or studies - such as IHK training contract, certificate of enrollment or internship contract
  • Confirmation of home address by means of ID card, registration certificate or rental agreement

Order your customer card online

S-Bahn München MVG MVV
Scan documents and fill out form online Scan documents and fill out form online Scan documents and fill out form online
Self printing of the customer card Self printing of the customer card Self printing of the customer card
Order onlineOrder online No orders possible at the moment

Eligible persons for the apprenticeship rate

The apprenticeship rate is an offer for the journey between the apprenticeship place and home. Due to the legal framework, only certain groups of people receive it: 

  • pupils and students of public, state-approved or state-recognised private - general education schools, - vocational schools, - second-chance educational institutions, - universities, academies with the exception of administrative academies, adult education centres, rural folk high schools and colleges of the German armed forces.
  • persons attending public schools or other educational institutions not covered by No. 1, provided that they are exempt from compulsory vocational schooling on the basis of attendance at such schools or educational institutions or provided that attendance at such schools and other private educational institutions is eligible for assistance under the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz)
  • persons attending courses at an adult education centre (Volkshochschule) or at another institution of further education (Weiterbildung) for the subsequent acquisition of the lower secondary school-leaving certificate or the intermediate secondary school-leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss)
  • persons who are in a vocational training relationship within the meaning of the Vocational Training Act or in another contractual relationship within the meaning of § 26 of the Vocational Training Act, as well as persons who are being trained in an institution outside of in-company vocational training within the meaning of § 43(2) of the Vocational Training Act, § 36(2) of the Handicrafts Code
  • persons attending a state-recognised vocational preparation course
  • interns and trainees, provided that the completion of an internship or traineeship before, during or after a state-regulated training course or a course of study at a higher education institution is provided for in accordance with the provisions applicable to training and studies
  • Candidates for civil servant positions in the ordinary, intermediate and higher civil services (qualification levels 1 to 3) as well as trainees and persons who must first acquire the qualification for admission as candidates for civil servant positions in the ordinary, intermediate or higher civil services (qualification levels 1 to 3) by attending an administrative course, provided they do not receive reimbursement of travel expenses from the administration.
  • Participants in a voluntary social year or in a voluntary ecological year or comparable social services.

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